Small Fruits - Current Availability

Last updated March 28, 2025

Blackberry (Rubus) - MarionberryQueen of blackberries, trailing, very vigorous, abundant thorns, ripens mid-summer, fresh eating or processing. Full sun, fertile, well drained soil.
Blackberry (Rubus) - Black SatinThornless, sweet and juicy, heavy yielder, semi-erect canes. Remove fruited canes. Needs some support. Full sun, fertile, well drained soil.
Blackberry (Rubus) - ChesterHarvest berries with ease from thornless, upright canes. Ripens in August. Very large fruit measure up to an inch in length. Full sun, fertile, well drained soil.
Blackberry (Rubus) - LochnessThornless, large, shiny black fruit, in August. Semi erect canes, can be planted 6 ft. apart. Remove fruited canes. Full sun, fertile, well drained soil.
Blackberry (Rubus) - Triple CrownThornless, large fruit mid-summer, sweet flavour, softer fruit. Semi-erect canes needing some support. Full sun, fertile, well drained soil.
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - ElliottVery late season, medium size, powder blue fruit, mild, slightly tart. Resistant,mummy berry. Upright 5-6' Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - PatriotEarly season, very large berries, medium blue fruit, excellent flavor. Tolerant heavy, wet soils. Compact, 4' Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - PolarisEarly season, med. size, light blue fruit, exceptional flavor, strong aromatics. Upright, spreading to 4'. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - RekaEarly season, med. sized dark blue, aromatic, sweet flavored fruit. Does well in moist soils. Upright 5-6' Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - BluecropMidseason, large, light blue fruit, excellent flavor. Resistant cracking, Commercial BC crop. Upright 4-6' Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - ChandlerMid to late season, very large, excellent flavor. Long ripening period. Slightly spreading 5-6'. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - ChippewaEarly midseason, large, firm, light blue berries, very sweet, little acid. Compact, upright 3-4'. Cold hardy. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - DukeEarly season, blooms late. Large, medium blue fruit, mild, crisp flavor. Heavy production, Upright 4-5 Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Northbluemid season fruit Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - NorthcountryEarly- midseason, medium size, sweet wild flavour. Low-bush, compact form to 3 ft. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - NorthlandEarly midseason, medium sized, medium blue, sweet flavour,very cold hardy. Spreading 3-4' on 4-6', Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Pink LemonadeMid-late season, blueberries that are pink! Green fruit turns deep pink. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - RazzMidseason, med. to large powder blue fruit. Unique raspberry overtones in their flavor. 5-6' shrub. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Sky Dew GoldMidseason, medium, gold foliage, great autumn colour. More use as an ornamental but will set fruit. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Top HatMidseason, light blue, pea sized fruit, mild flavor. Ultra compact, shrub to 18", great for the patio. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Bushel & B - Blueberry Silver Dollar Casca (Vacc.)Small, dark berries in mid-season with flavour similar to wild berries. Dwarf, shrub 2 - 3 ft (Brazelberry) Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Bushel & B -Blueberry Peach Sorbet (Vacc.)A dwarf variety,colorful foliage, spring & winter, 2' x 2' perfect size for patio containers (Brazelberry) Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Bushel & B Raspberry Shortcake (Rubus)New, dwarf, thornless raspberry, sweet fruit mid-summer great for containers or small gardens (Brazelberry) Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Bushel & Berry - Blueberry Pink Icing (Vacc.)New growth,shade of pink, greens, great fall colour. Large robust flavour 3- 4 ' mid-season (Brazelberry) Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering
Chilean Guava (Ugni molinae) FlambeauEvergreen variegated shrub with unusual and delicious fruit. When picked early pine flavour. Picked later they have a strawberry-esque flavour. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus aurantifolia (Key Lime)Aromatic, flavourful and juicy greenish-yellow fruit. Wonderful for juice, flavourings and Key Lime pie! Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus aurantium (Ambersweet Orange)Cold-hardy, early-ripening citrus hybrid, classified as an orange. Blend of Clementine tangerine and Orlando tangelo. Sweet-tangy flavour. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus aurantium (Chinotto Sour Orange)Attractive small tree, prized for its dense foliage, profuse fragrant flowers.. Chinotto fruit is delicious candied, made into marmalade or for its juice. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus aurantium (Seville Sour orange)The best for marmalade . Popular variety is widely grown in Europe. Prized for its fragrant flowers andlarge, tart bright orange fruit . Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus bergamia (Bergamot)- Flesh is yellow like a lemon but tastes sweeter. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus Flying Dragon (Poncirus trifoli. Monstrosa)Dwarf tree with contorted branches. 2" yellow fruits that can be used as a lemon-like seasoning. Hardy citrus. Self-fertile. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus Flying Dragon (Poncirus trifoli. Monstrosa)Dwarf tree with contorted branches. 2" yellow fruits that can be used as a lemon-like seasoning. Hardy citrus. Self-fertile. Often used as citrus rootstock Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus hybrid (Grapefruit)Unique cross of Pummello and Mandarin orange. Bright yellow fruit with orange-yellow flesh and delicious, sweet-tart flavor. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus hybrid (Melogold Grapefruit)Prized for its compact growth habit and its good crops of softball size, yellow fruit. Deliciously tart-sweet, fruit features lemony, grapefruit-like flavor. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus hystrix (Thai Lime)Hardy sweet citrus variety. Abundant crops of 1" diameter fruit similar to lemons or limes. Makes delicious marmalade. Beautiful variegated foliage. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus kinokuni mukakukishu (Kishu Mandarin)Golf ball-size fruit features thin, very easy to peel skin, no seeds, and delectable and complex, sweet-tart, juicy flesh. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus latifolia (Bearss Lime)Abundant, greenish-yellow, seedless, very juicy fruit. Mix with lemon juice for a refreshing drink. Ripens in late winter into spring. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus madurensis (Calamondin)Hardy sweet citrus variety. Abundant crops of 1" diameter fruit similar to lemons or limes. Makes delicious marmalade. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus madurensis Variegated (Calamondin)Hardy sweet citrus variety. Abundant crops of 1" diameter fruit similar to lemons or limes. Makes delicious marmalade. Beautiful variegated foliage. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus reticulata (Kiyomi Tangor)hybrid of Mandarin and Sweet Orange, bears good crops of large orange fruit. Pebbly-textured skin. Rich and spicy in flavor, it is good for fresh eating. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus sinensis (Tarocco #7 Blood Orange)Largest of the Blood Oranges. Fruit is juicy, and delicious. Flesh turns a striking deep red when ripe. Sweet, with a hint of tartness Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus unshiu (Owari Satsuma Mandarin)Early ripening variety bears good crops of deep orange, sweet, delicious fruit. Features lush, dark green foliage and prolific, fragrant flowers. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus unshiu (Satsuma) S-2Exceptional, Chinese variety prized for its abundant crops. Early ripening. Sweet, juicy and flavorful, easy to peel fruit. Compact and easy to grow. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus unshiu- Miho WaseOne of the earliest to ripen, abundant crops of sweet, thin skin fruit. Easy to peel, bright orange fruit. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus x limon (Eureka/ Variegated Pink Lemon)Flesh is light pink colour, green-striped rind, variegated foliage. Does best with winter protection or moved into a greenhouse. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus x meyeri (Meyer Lemon)It is less acidic, juicier and sweeter than common lemons. Evergreen foliage. Does best with winter protection or moved into a greenhouse. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Citrus x tangelo (Pearl Tangelo)This unique Tangelo variety is a cross of Grapefruit and Mandarin Orange. Attractive, willow-like foliage and delectable, sweet, large fruit. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Ctrus junos- Yuzu ichandrinPrized in Japan for flavoring, juice and preserves Hardy variety. Easy-to-peel, 3 inch diameter fruit. Tasty, lemon-lime flavor. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Currant - (Ribes nigrum) - Black- ConsortMed. size purplish fruit, strong, sweet, crisp, firm, 4' shrub, for preserves juicing, late summer. Resistant to rust. 3/4 sun, fertile, moist soil
Currant - (Ribes rubrum) - Pink ChampagneMed. size, translucent pink berries, vigorous free of leaf diseases, good flavour. ripening late summer, 3-5 ft. bush. 3/4 sun, fertile, moist soil
Elderberry - (Sambucus nigra) - KorsorClusters of large, dark purple berries, use for juicing, preserves. Vigorous shrub to 8 ft. or more. Full sun, fertile moist soil.
Everbering FallgoldEverbearing, yellow, fruit, great flavour, texture. Medium crop July, heavy crop starting mid-Aug/Sept. to frost. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Fortunella margarita- Centennial Var. KumquatUnique Kumquat is prized for its compact growth habit and white and green leaves The fruit features very sweet, thin skin and is an incredible taste treat com Subtropical - not winter hardy
Fortunella obovata (Changshou Kumquat)Unique and hard-to-find Chinese variety. Prized for its large, juicy, flavorful fruit. Very sweet, thin skin. Fine ornamental plant and good for containers. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Goji Berry - Lycium 'Crimson Star'Commercially grown,Northern China, sprawling shrub, abundant, tasty, large red berries, sweeten as they ripen. Thrive in hot site, well drained soil.
Gooseberry - (Ribes hirtellum) - Oregon ChampionGreen fruit on 3-5 ft. bush. Use fresh, jams or cooking. Fruits on older wood. Full sun, fertile, moist, well drained soil
Gooseberry - (Ribes hirtellum) - PixwellRed/pink fruit, 3-5 ft. bush. Use fresh, jams or cooking Fruits on older wood. Full sun, fertile, moist, well drained soil
Goumi - Red Gem (Elaeagnus multiflora)Eleagnus multiflora- 6' shrub, productive, large, tasty, red berries in May for fresh eating or preserves Sun/half sun, well drained soil.
Goumi - Sweet Scarlet (Elaeagnus multiflora)Eleagnus multiflora- 6' shrub, productive, large, tasty, red berries in May for fresh eating or preserves Sun/half sun, well drained soil.
Grape - (Vitis) Seeded Frontenac GrisStunning peach-pink wine. Bud mutation of the deep purple Frontenac, outstanding characteristics except dark skin. Can be used for sweet and dry wines. Full sun, sandy loams, rich organic matter ideal
Grape - (Vitis) Seeded Marechal FochDark blue-black grapes in small clusters. Wine or juice grape, early ripening. French hybrid Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal
Grape - (Vitis) Seeded NiagaraSeeded, large, light-green to white, sweet, tangy flavour for dessert or wine. Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless HimrodSeedless, med. size white, spicy flavour for fresh eating wine or juicing. Vigorous vine suited, great for arbors Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless InterlakenSeedless, med., greenish/white to amber, sweet, firm. For eating fresh or drying. Ripens early, Adapts, cool summers Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless Sovereign CoronationSeedless, popular blue table grape. Sweet, musky Concord'-like taste Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless Suffolk RedSeedless, red, medium size grape in loose clusters. Firm, juicy, delectable flavor for fresh eating. Mid-late Sept. Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless VanessaSeedless, red, small to medium, firm, crisp, mild grapes. Vines of moderate vigour. Midseason. Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal
Honeyberry - (Lonicera caerulea) Blue ForestProduces large, oval berries, taste like wild blueberries, full of antioxidants, 2 different var. to x-pollinate. Sun, well drained soil, good air circulation
Honeyberry - (Lonicera caerulea) Blue HokkaidoProduces large, oval berries, taste like wild blueberries, full of antioxidants, 2 different var. to x-pollinate, needs to be another late blooming variety Sun, well drained soil, good air circulation
Honeyberry - (Lonicera caerulea) Blue MoonProduces large, oval berries, taste like wild blueberries, full of antioxidants, 2 different var. to x-pollinate. Sun, well drained soil, good air circulation
Honeyberry - (Lonicera caerulea) Blue PagodaProduces large, oval berries, taste like wild blueberries, full of antioxidants, 2 different var. to x-pollinate. Sun, well drained soil, good air circulation
Honeyberry - (Lonicera caerulea) Blue SeaGood crops of crisp, very large, sweet and flavorful fruit. Spreading form and soft, dark green foliage. Sun, well drained soil, good air circulation
Honeyberry - (Lonicera caerulea) Blue VelvetProduces large, oval berries, taste like wild blueberries, full of antioxidants, 2 different var. to x-pollinate. Sun, well drained soil, good air circulation
ImprovedMeyer Lemon (Citrus x meyeri)It is less acidic, juicier and sweeter than common lemons. Evergreen foliage. Does best with winter protection or moved into a greenhouse. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Josta Berry - (Ribes x nidigrolaria)Cross - Black Currant/Gooseberry. Elongated, black berries mid-summer. High Vitamin C. Great for jam. Fruit on older wood. Sun/half shade, moisture retentive soil
Jujube - (Ziziphus jujuba) Black SeaRare, unique Chinese species 8-10', tasty, chocolate brown sweet fruit, late fall, 2 ensure pollination. Hardy to -6C Experimental crop, Heat and dry to ripen
Jujube - (Ziziphus jujuba) CocoValuable Ukrainian variety - prized for its abundant crops of golden-brown fruit unique, coconut-like flavor. Plant 2 to ensure pollination. Hardy to -6C Heat and dry to ripen
Jujube - (Ziziphus jujuba) ZigzagUnique and ornamental form of Jujube, prized for its contorted branching. Compact growth habit, abundant crops of tasty fruit..
Kiwi Fuzzy - (Actinidia chin.) 'Tomuri' -MaleActinidia deliciosa- Used to pollinate female fuzzy kiwi. Does not fruit. Vigorous vine. Full sun, well drained soil, rich in organic matter.
Kiwi Fuzzy - (Actinidia del.) 'Jenny'Actinidia deliciosa - Self-fertile fuzzy kiwi, Aug/ Sept. Vigorous vine, up to 15 ft. per year. Full sun, well drained soil, rich in organic matter.
Kiwi Fuzzy - (Actinidia del.) 'Matua' - MaleActinidia deliciosa - Used to pollinate female fuzzy kiwi. Does not fruit. Vigorous vine. Full sun, well drained soil, rich in organic matter.
Kiwi Fuzzy - (Actinidia del.) 'Saanichton' FActinidia deliciosa - Large, fuzzy fruit, developed in B.C Needs male for pollination. Vigorous vine, 15' per year. Full sun, well drained soil, rich in organic matter.
Kiwi Hardy - (Actinidia arguta) 'Issai'Small, grape size fruit with smooth skin, can be eaten whole. Twining vine, 25 ft. Prune in summer and Feb. Full sun, well drained soil, rich in organic matter.
Kiwi Hardy - Actinidia var. purp. 'Hardy Red' - FActinidia purpurea - small, cranberry red kiwi, red flesh, sweet/tart flavour, needs arguta male to pollinate. Full sun, well drained soil, rich in organic matter.
Kumquat 'Meiwa' (Fortunella crassifolia)Also known as th 'sweet kumquat'. Fruit can be eaten whole, skin and all. Skin is the sweetest part of the fruit. Move indoors for the winter. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Microcitrus australasica (Australian Finger Lime)Unusual variety is sometimes called "citrus caviar". Dark purple, 3" long fruit Intense, sweet-tart, lemon-lime flavor. Subtropical - not winter hardy
Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) AlleghenyThis superior variety features wonderful flavor and very high productivity. Fruit has delicious, creamy yellow flesh and weighs up to 1/2 pound. Full sun
Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) MangoDelicious fruit with yellow flesh like a mango. Early ripening. Pollination is best when trees are planted 6' apart. Full sun
Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) ProlificEarly ripening and produces abundant crops of medium to large, sweet and tasty fruit Full sun to shade. Rich, well drained soil.Two varieties for pollination.
Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) ShenandoahMost flavourful variety. Mid season harvest, creamy, yellow, sweet fruit. Weighs up to 1 lb. Full sun to shade. Rich, well drained soil.Two varieties for pollination.
Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) SunflowerOne of the most reliable and popular varieties producing good crops of very large, sweet and delicious fruit. Full sun to shade. Rich, well drained soil.Two varieties for pollination.
Pomegranate - (Punica granatum) FavouriteNot frost hardy, needs winter protection, great for containers. 4-6' Fruit will set in most conditions but only ripen and edible with enough heat Full sun/half shade, drought resistant, fast-grower.
Pomegranate - (Punica granatum) WonderfulNot frost hardy, needs winter protection, great for containers. Move indoors for the coldest months. Full sun/half shade, drought resistant, fast-grower.
Raspberry - (Rubus idaeus) Everbearing Fallgold3 canes per pot. Everbearing, yellow, fruit, great flavour, texture. Med. crop July, heavy crop starting mid-Aug/Sept. -frost. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Raspberry - (Rubus idaeus) Everbearing HeritageEver-bearing, large, firm, sweet red fruit. Medium crop July, heavy crop starting mid-Aug/Sept. to frost. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Raspberry - (Rubus) Everbearing Heritage - b/rBundle of 5 - Ever-bear, large, firm, sweet red fruit. Med. crop July, heavy crop starting mid-Aug/Sept. -frost. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Raspberry - (Rubus) Everbearing Fallgold - b/rBundle of 5 - Everbearing, yellow, fruit, great flavour, texture. Medium crop July, heavy crop starting mid-Aug/Sept. to frost. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Raspberry - (Rubus) Summerbearing BoyneSummer bearing, medium size, dark red fruit. Mid-season crop, prune out fruited canes in fall. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Raspberry - (Rubus) Summerbearing MeekerSummer bearing, large firm, red fruit. Early to midseason crop, prune out fruited canes in fall. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Raspberry - (Rubus) Summerbearing Souris b/rBundle /5 Summer bearing. Improved version of Boyne. Extremely robust, disease resistant. Sweet and tart. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Raspberry - (Rubus) Summerbearing TulameenSummer bearing, large firm, sweet, aromatic fruit. Late season crop, prune out fruited canes in fall. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Raspberry - (Rubus) Summerbearing Tulameen b/rBundle/5 Summer bearing, large firm, sweet, aromatic fruit Late season crop, prune out fruited canes in fall. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Rhubarb (Rheum x) Strawberry Red
Rhubarb (Rheum x) Red
Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia) 'Northline'Large fruit, for jams, pies, fresh. Also attractive, ornamental shrub 7 'x 7 ' white flowers, fall colour Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation
Sea Buckthorn - (Hippophae) MaleDeciduous shrub, fruits mid- late summer, berries used for juice, leaves for tea. Will spread by root and seed. Needs sun, handles poor soil, seaside conditions.
Sea Buckthorn- (Hippophae) Hergo- Fem.Deciduous shrub, fruits mid- late summer, berries used for juice, leaves for tea. Will spread by root and seed. Needs sun, handles poor soil, seaside conditions.
Sea Buckthorn- (Hippophae) Orange Energy- Fem.Deciduous shrub, fruits mid- late summer, berries used for juice, leaves for tea. Will spread by root and seed. Needs sun, handles poor soil, seaside conditions.
Strawberry Fragaria x ananassa