Small Fruits - Current Availability
Last updated January 31 2025
Name | Description |
Autumn Olive - Ruby (Elaeagnus umbellata) | E. umbellata- large shrub 10-12'. Nutritious, tasty, sweet red fruit for sweet/savory. Bee attractant. Nitrogen fixer Sun, tolerant poor soils, drought, seaside |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Elliott | Very late season, medium size, powder blue fruit, mild, slightly tart. Resistant,mummy berry. Upright 5-6' Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Patriot | Early season, very large berries, medium blue fruit, excellent flavor. Tolerant heavy, wet soils. Compact, 4' Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Polaris | Early season, med. size, light blue fruit, exceptional flavor, strong aromatics. Upright, spreading to 4'. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Bluecrop | Midseason, large, light blue fruit, excellent flavor. Resistant cracking, Commercial BC crop. Upright 4-6' Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Bluecrop, Elliot, Patriot | Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Chandler | Mid to late season, very large, excellent flavor. Long ripening period. Slightly spreading 5-6'. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Chippewa | Early midseason, large, firm, light blue berries, very sweet, little acid. Compact, upright 3-4'. Cold hardy. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Duke | Early season, blooms late. Large, medium blue fruit, mild, crisp flavor. Heavy production, Upright 4-5 Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Midnight Cascade | Midseason, first cultivar suitable for hanging baskets. Compact, produces trailing stems, perfect for tall containers as well. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Razz | Midseason, med. to large powder blue fruit. Unique raspberry overtones in their flavor. 5-6' shrub. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Sky Dew Gold | Midseason, medium, gold foliage, great autumn colour. More use as an ornamental but will set fruit. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Blueberry (Vaccinium) - Top Hat | Midseason, light blue, pea sized fruit, mild flavor. Ultra compact, shrub to 18", great for the patio. Full to 3/4 sun, acidic, fertile soil, deep watering |
Bushel & B Raspberry Shortcake (Rubus) | New, dwarf, thornless raspberry, sweet fruit mid-summer great for containers or small gardens (Brazelberry) Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation |
Cranberry - Vaccinium macrocarpon 'Hamilton' | Evergreen,self-fertile, E.Canada native, pink flowers, bright red berries in fall. The 'cranberry sauce' cranberry. 1' x 1' Prefers moist, peat/acidic soil. Sun |
Currant - (Ribes rubrum) - Rovada | Very productive from Netherlands, abundant clusters, very large, red berries. Fresh eating, preserves, juicing. 3/4 sun, fertile, moist soil |
Elderberry - (Sambucus canadensis) - Bob Gordon | The berries are dark purple, ripen uniformly in the cymes, and are resistant to shattering. Fruit can be for used for jam or wine. Yum! Full sun, fertile moist soil. |
Elderberry - (Sambucus nigra) - Korsor | Clusters of large, dark purple berries, use for juicing, preserves. Vigorous shrub to 8 ft. or more. Full sun, fertile moist soil. |
Everbering Fallgold | Everbearing, yellow, fruit, great flavour, texture. Medium crop July, heavy crop starting mid-Aug/Sept. to frost. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation |
Goji Berry - Lycium barbarum Red Empress | Tasty and very healthy, grown commercially in Chine. Red Empress is one of the most popular varieties in Chinese orchards. Large, dark red, sweet fruit. Thrive in hot site, well drained soil. Full day to half-day sun. |
Goji Berry - Lycium 'Crimson Star' | Commercially grown,Northern China, sprawling shrub, abundant, tasty, large red berries, sweeten as they ripen. Thrive in hot site, well drained soil. |
Gooseberry - (Ribes grossularia) - Black Velvet | Large yellowish-green fruit, red-purple when ripe. Vigorous, 5-6' shrub, for baking, canning. Full sun, fertile, moist, well drained soil |
Gooseberry - (Ribes hirtellum) - Oregon Champion | Green fruit on 3-5 ft. bush. Use fresh, jams or cooking. Fruits on older wood. Full sun, fertile, moist, well drained soil |
Gooseberry - (Ribes hirtellum) - Pixwell | Red/pink fruit, 3-5 ft. bush. Use fresh, jams or cooking Fruits on older wood. Full sun, fertile, moist, well drained soil |
Goumi - Red Gem (Elaeagnus multiflora) | Eleagnus multiflora- 6' shrub, productive, large, tasty, red berries in May for fresh eating or preserves Sun/half sun, well drained soil. |
Goumi - Sweet Scarlet (Elaeagnus multiflora) | Eleagnus multiflora- 6' shrub, productive, large, tasty, red berries in May for fresh eating or preserves Sun/half sun, well drained soil. |
Grape - (Vitis) Seeded Frontenac Gris | Stunning peach-pink wine. Bud mutation of the deep purple Frontenac, outstanding characteristics except dark skin. Can be used for sweet and dry wines. Full sun, sandy loams, rich organic matter ideal |
Grape - (Vitis) Seeded Marechal Foch | Dark blue-black grapes in small clusters. Wine or juice grape, early ripening. French hybrid Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal |
Grape - (Vitis) Seeded Pinot Noir | Early, red wine grape, with good flavour and body, producing a quality dry wine. Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal |
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless Concord | Blue grape, this well known variety is used for juicing, wine, preserves and fresh eating. Now a seedleess variety. Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal |
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless Himrod | Seedless, med. size white, spicy flavour for fresh eating wine or juicing. Vigorous vine suited, great for arbors Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal |
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless Sovereign Coronation | Seedless, popular blue table grape. Sweet, musky Concord'-like taste Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal |
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless Suffolk Red | Seedless, red, medium size grape in loose clusters. Firm, juicy, delectable flavor for fresh eating. Mid-late Sept. Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal |
Grape - (Vitis) Seedless Vanessa | Seedless, red, small to medium, firm, crisp, mild grapes. Vines of moderate vigour. Midseason. Full sun, sandy loams ,rich organic matter ideal |
Honeyberry - (Lonicera caerulea) Berry Blue | Produces large, oval berries, taste like wild blueberries, full of antioxidants, 2 different var. to x-pollinate. Sun, well drained soil, good air circulation |
Josta Berry - (Ribes x nidigrolaria) | Cross - Black Currant/Gooseberry. Elongated, black berries mid-summer. High Vitamin C. Great for jam. Fruit on older wood. Sun/half shade, moisture retentive soil |
Jujube - (Ziziphus jujuba) Coco | Valuable Ukrainian variety - prized for its abundant crops of golden-brown fruit unique, coconut-like flavor. Plant 2 to ensure pollination. Hardy to -6C Heat and dry to ripen |
Kiwi Fuzzy - (Actinidia del.) 'Hayward' - F | Selected in New Zealand, most popular variety for home gardens. Prized for it's large size. Vigorous vine, up to 15 ft. per year. Full sun, well drained soil, rich in organic matter. |
Kiwi Hardy - Actinidia var. purp. 'Hardy Red' - F | Actinidia purpurea - small, cranberry red kiwi, red flesh, sweet/tart flavour, needs arguta male to pollinate. Full sun, well drained soil, rich in organic matter. |
Raspberry - (Rubus) Summerbearing Meeker | Summer bearing, large firm, red fruit. Early to midseason crop, prune out fruited canes in fall. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation |
Raspberry - (Rubus) Summerbearing Tulameen | Summer bearing, large firm, sweet, aromatic fruit. Late season crop, prune out fruited canes in fall. Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation |
Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia) 'Honeywood' | Large fruit, for jams, pies, fresh. Also attractive, compact, ornamental shrub with white flowers, fall colour Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation |
Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia) 'Northline' | Large fruit, for jams, pies, fresh. Also attractive, ornamental shrub 7 'x 7 ' white flowers, fall colour Full sun, rich, well drained soil, good air ciculation |