Gardening Resources
We are passionate about sharing gardening knowledge with others.
In this resource centre, you will find useful information for getting started with gardening for the first time or for tackling more complex horticultural projects. This is the exact knowledge that we use to cultivate plants and promote success at our nursery every day, and we are confident that you will learn new and valuable information here.
Fruit Tree Pollination
Pollination is essential for good fruit crops. Different fruit trees have different requirements for pollination so here is our guide to ensuring maximum yields!
Greenhouse Growing
Gardening in a greenhouse is perfect for gardeners that want to extend their growing season and expand their growing opportunities.
Growing Vegetable Seedlings
Our guide for starting vegetable seeds: timing, growing conditions, hardening off, and tips and tricks
Getting the Most from Your Winter Vegetable Garden in British Columbia
Need advice for how to maintain your vegetable garden during winter? We provide our top tips for winter vegetable gardening in British Columbia.
Fruit Tree Pruning Best Practices
Fruit trees in the yard can produce an abundant supply of food every fall. To keep your trees healthy and productive, some basic pruning must be done in late winter before the leaves out. The goal is to create an open structure that admits light and permits air circulation to reduce disease.
Selecting Garden Seed
January is the month gardeners spend indoors reflecting and dreaming about what has succeeded in their gardens… and what can do even better this year!
Companion Planting and Attracting Beneficial Insects to Your Garden
Companion planting is a great way to encourage the health of your garden. When planted together, certain plants will protect each other by attracting pollinators, repelling pests, and increasing plant productivity.